Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shopping Around

As I was finishing work, Delaney walked into my room with a pile of money. I thought he wanted to trade in some $5s and $10s for $20s, but he started out telling me he'd worked two hours pulling weeds today. He reminded me that he'd worked an hour on Sunday and asked me if I remembered. I did, and then he gave me $90 and said with the work he was up to $120, so would I buy his Lego Star Wars Republic Gunship.

We went to Amazon and found it for $160, and he was concerned. He told me that it was $120 at, so we went there, found it and he walked away happy. I started through the checkout and realized that Lego wanted $13 for shipping and $10 in tax. I wasn't quite ready to spot Delaney $23, so I went to find him.

We looked around, and it was all over the map pricewise. There were places selling it for $200, but no one we knew. Wal-Mart listed it, but out of stock online and no idea if it was in the local store. Delaney wanted it, so we decided to leave early for karate and go by there. I needed a few things anyway.

We got there, walked around, and found it for $118.88, and Delaney was thrilled. We got it and he kept smiling and talking about it in the car, and then on the way home after karate. Now he and Kendall are putting it together. He's proud of himself for working to earn the money. Twelve hours of mowing and pulling weeks over the last two weeks.

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