Monday, October 30, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Friday, October 27, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Feels a little early to be up but off to the airport for an LA trip.

Monday, October 16, 2017
A Productive Fall Weekend
This was a weekend off, and without any big plans, it might have been relaxing. Instead, it was packed with things. A “lay in”, as my British colleagues would say, on Saturday was nice. I rarely sleep in, so that was good.
Without plans, I took advantage of the open day to attend a First Aid class put on by the county. It was basic trauma, first responder information, but good to know. I’ve been wanting to do this, so I went. No cert, and no real practice, but some good, basic information to build a better kit to be ready for issues. Since we’re on a ranch, it’s good to know this. Tia has been through some training, but I need some. Or want some.
Then I came home to no projects. Actually I had things to do outside, but it was so windy that I decided to skip them. After a little lunch, I decided to pull apart the garbage disposal. It hasn’t drained well, and one thing to check is the outtake pipe. I did that, and it was gross, but almost empty. The disposal, however, had lots of gunk inside and looked like the out connection was cracked.
So I decided this was the project. I looked around a bit for research, then drove to Home Depot and got another one. I pulled everything out from under the sink and get the old out out. I attached a cord and was ready to move forward, but hadn’t bought plumper’s putty. We had an old jar, but it was too dried out. My project ended there, and I decided to relax.
After yoga Sunday morning, I completed the quickest Home Depot trip ever. In, grabbing putty, self paying, and out in less than 5 minutes. A personal best. I managed to return home, putty the flange and install the garbage disposal in about 20 minutes. Complete before volleyball practice.
I have to say it works well in testing Sunday and this morning, but I wasn’t sure it was working. It’s so quiet compared to the old one. It is working, and there aren’t any clogs. It’s kind of amazing, and people can talk while I clean up now. The $179 v the $79 cheapo loud one is worth it.
After volleyball I returned home and handled some chores. Cut the front and back, cleaned and cut the dog area, and replaced batteries in the weather station. Now I get to see if that is back up and working.
A good day, leaving me with a sore back and sore elbow for my efforts.