My interview is live on Channel 9, and I actually look ok.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
No Fighting in Baseball
I'm a baseball guy. Played a good portion of my life, including 10 years as an adult. I've enjoyed the game, and while I appreciate the history, there are things I'd like to see changed.
Coming home tonight, I heard two people debating the Harper incident. A pitcher threw at a batter, and the batter charged the mound. A fight ensued, and the benches cleared. You can read here:
The first guy, an ex-NFL player, said that the whole process is silly. Anyone coming off a bench should be suspended as well. In every other sport, that happens. There's also no reason to throw at someone for staring at you, not running fast enough, or any of the other silly reasons pitchers get upset. Actually the team as well.
The second guy, supports the benches clearing, saying it's part of the baseball code. He's not an athlete, but has kids playing high level baseball. He also doesn't want to see a 1-on-9 situation when there's an issue.
I think throwing at a batter is silly, at a minimum, and really assault. You throw at me, I'm taking the bat out there and putting you down. My take is batters (or runners) throwing a punch get suspended. The umpire and go out there and give instructions to stop. Each time he does so, we get a multiplier of the suspension. The individual causing issues gets suspended as well, but pitchers get 3x the suspension. They've got a deadly weapon in their hands, and throwing at someone purposely shouldn't be tolerated.
Anyone off the bench, bullpen, or that joins the fight gets a 2x suspension.
No fighting in baseball.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Finishing. Running in Littleton, co is much harder than running in London

Finishing. Running in Littleton, co is much harder than running in London

Friday, May 26, 2017
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Monday, May 22, 2017
Such Little Effort
“It takes no compromise to give people their takes no money to respect the individual. It takes no political deal to give people freedom. It takes no survey to remove repression.”
― Harvey Milk
I saw this quote retweeted today by LZ Granderson, a writer I enjoy. It got me thinking, especially as I see so much divisiveness and complaining these days, especially in the political arena.
I do try to avoid it, but many people I don’t want to lose touch with are affected and caught up in politics, so some of it rubs off.
I get many of you have opinions, beliefs, and ideas on how the world should work. You want to have a world that is closer to the ideal in your head. Good for you, go out and try to make change.
The thing that bothers me often, more with conservative GOP people than Dems, but certainly on both sides, is that many maybe the majority, of our controversies could be avoided with a simple principle.
Don’t be a dick.
Or jerk, or whatever word you want to use, but just let others live their lives. Their choices don’t reflect on you. Don’t attend church, or say Merry Christmas, or marry someone of your sex, or cross dress, or join the military, or anything else that bothers you. But let others do those things and stop trying to press your beliefs onto them.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Saturday, May 13, 2017
Friday, May 12, 2017
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Monday, May 8, 2017
Sunday, May 7, 2017
A Long Volleyball Day
Long day at volleyball today, without my daughter. I've been helping coach a couple teams this year, learning the ropes and hoping getting prepped for more coaching in the future.
Today I want to cheer and support the 14s team, and was proud to see them play hard, keep composure, and come back in the 2nd set of all three matches to win the RMR JNQ and earn a bid to the national tournament.
It was exciting and reminded me of the same situation in Kendall's 13s year when her team won a bid at JNQ.
Exciting times and looking forward to helping these ladies prep in June.