Saturday, October 17, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
Back inside for hot yoga. Oooff these masks are hard in the heat

Thursday, October 15, 2020
Monday, October 12, 2020
Reminding Myself of What Life under COVID is like - Day 215
It's been a wild week, and the big memory from this week is a COVDI-19 test.
Last week, I got a text from my wife's employee that her daughter was feeling sick, and should see come to work? After talking with my wife, she came, but with a mask. I don't think I saw her Tuesday, and couldn't remember if I saw her Monday. I did see her Wed and Thur, but outside.
However, in the afternoon, she called back and her daughter tested positive for COVID. I didn't think too much, but my wife reminded me that me feeling fine doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not sick or contagious.
So, I had to call and get someone else to cover practice, wear a mask, and then stop going to the store. I wasn't well prepared, and I had ordered food, so I drove to town to pick up dinner, wore a mask and didn't touch anything, and then came home.
The next few days were a mini-quarantine. My wife and daughter got home late Tuesday, but my wife stayed in the trailer (camper), while I slept alone. We spent Wednesday and Thursday like that, staying apart and me living on my own while they came and went from the house and common areas. It was a very weird time.
Friday morning I went to get a test, wanting to let a few days elapse to see if I would develop symptoms. I don't think I did, but it was a smoky, dry week. My throat was dry, it was starting to get cold at nights, which always gets my nose running slightly. I am mostly sure that everything was related to allergies and weather, and very minor, but I kept feeling sicker than I was. Every little thing had me concerned, even as I was positive I hadn't really been exposed in a meaningful way.
The test was weird, and quick. A push with a qtip through my nose into the sinuses, and as I was briefly surprised, thinking something was tickling my throat, the PA pulled it out and popped into into the other nostril. My ears popped and then I was done. It's 2-3 sec, uncomfortable, but not that bad.
Negative, so I hit the store, and was careful, but bought some things to cook.
I felt fine over the weekend, and went back to life, coaching, but leaving the mask on, and doing chores. I didn't get to the gym, but am going back now, as I feel fine.
This, as the White House became the source of a super spreader event, and I kept thinking, I feel fine, but I could spread things if I am not careful. Being lax with precautions is an issue, especially when you've had some potential exposure.
A wild week that created stress, anxiety, annoyance, and frustration. I did get to practice yoga a couple times outside, and life was slower, but I'd prefer the hectic life I normally have.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Friday, October 9, 2020
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Monday, October 5, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Friday, October 2, 2020
If you told me five months ago I'd be excited to open this package, much less try to order masks online, I'd never have believed you