Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Sore Back

After my run I went to stretch and put a little ice on my knee and felt my lower back stiff and sore. That was a little worrisome since I thought maybe the running is getting to me and I needed to lay off for awhile. I don't want to, but this is a long term goal, so keeping a streak going while damaging the body isn't what I want to do.

It was still sore after shooting video for Tia and so I lay down with more ice and watched some TV. Actually I got to watch about 5 possessions of the Lakers/Celtics before Kendall complained, so I let her watch TV and I read on the Kindle. Eventually I nodded off for an hour or so and got a good nap.

When I woke up, the back was stiff, but not too sore and I remembered. We wrapped presents last night for a few hours. I sat on the floor, we wrapped things and I felt it stiffening up. I had to move around a few times, but I was definitely sore last night.

So mystery solved. Next year we need to coordinate and wrap things earlier, not wait until the Eve to get everything done.

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