Sunday, December 14, 2008


I woke up yesterday morning feeling a little sick. My throat was sore, eyes tired, just feeling run down, but I had a busy day and got on with it. I'm still a little down today, but I got lots of sleep and stayed in bed until about 11:30. Tia must have felt a little sorry for me since she brought me some breakfast in bed.

However I got a call that we needed to unload our food at the food back of Elizabeth today and I figured if I could get up to run, which I planned to do, I could go unload food. So I drove down the Elizabeth, without Delaney as he was feeling sick as well, unloaded a bunch of food and while I'm still a little sick, I feel good about that.

It's amazing how much we collected, but even more that all that work will help a lot of people. It makes me really feel lucky with how successful and lucky we are. I need to take the little kids down there sometime to help out and see what life is like for other people.

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