Sunday, October 25, 2009

Young Eagles

Delaney had the chance to work on his aviation merit badge this weekend with the Scouts. It's a part of the Young Eagles program, and it was pretty cool. He had ground school Friday night at a local fire station, where 20+ kids from our troop and some of the Cub Scout packs went down there for 2 hours or so of learning about planes and flying.

Then it was up early to head to a small airport in Denver in Saturday morning. We arrived early, everyone tired, but Delaney excited. He sat there and was talked with other Scouts and checking out the model below.

Kendall was less excited. She played her DS a little, and then said it was "boring" and wanted to learn. Unfortunately Delaney was one of the last kids to fly, so she had to wait around.

While they were waiting, Delaney had a review of how planes fly from our Scoutmaster, who's a pilot for one of the airlines. He had some great explanations and really caught the attention of the kids.

Kendall had the opportunity to do this program, but she didn't want to, and I wasn't sure she'd sit through ground school or fly alone. Even that morning she wasn't thrilled, but finally as the morning wore on she said she would fly with Delaney. There were 2 seat and 4 seat planes, so I was hoping we'd get a four seater. I asked the guy in charge, and he said he'd see.

Finally we got called and walked out to the tarmac. We had a 4 seater and the kids went through the pre-flight instruction with the pilot, learning what to check. Then they were strapped in: Delaney as co-pilot and Kendall as passenger in the rear.

They took off without me.I had no interest in flying, especially in a small plane. So I waited while they had their 15-20 minute flight. Finally they were back, and smiling.

They both had a good time. Kendall said she was scared and exited, but she enjoyed it. Delaney thought it was great, and he'd like to do it again. I wouldn't mind getting him involved in Young Eagles, but it will have to wait until we're less busy.

They only get to co-pilot once, but next year Kendall can do the ground school and fly again. She said she'd like to and Tia said she'd go up with her if she does.

Delaney liked piloting. He didn't do much, but said it was neat to feel the controls respond to the wind as they flew. I also learned that our Scoutmaster just learned to fly as a student and took classes. He was never in the military and has an airline job. So maybe this is something Delaney could do at some point.

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