Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I missed karate last night with Kyle out of town and Kendall having piano. I ended up being the shuttle bus driver:

  • dropping off Kendall at tutoring
  • Dropping off Delaney at karate
  • picking up Kendall from tutoring
  • Dropping off Kendall at piano
  • Picking up Delaney from karate
  • Picking up Kendall from piano

Not a big deal, and I had a nice 2 mile run yesterday outside. So my plan was to hit karate this morning, and run before class. I usually go about 15-20 minutes early, run about 1.3 mi around the block, and then do class. Kendall wanted a snack, so I ran by her school and that made me late for my run. I had about 8 minutes, which would have been a stretch, especially with Shihan McGloughlin teaching. He tends to start on time.

So I did class, working a little harder than I expected with one of the older kids in class. I actually popped the pad a little hard one time and it smacked him in the mouth. A little bleeding, but he was tough and didn’t let him slow it down. It was good class.

When it finished, I was tired, but wanted to get my run in. So I started around the block. It was hard, and I was struggling as I headed down the sidewalk. It felt like some of my runs after snowboarding last year. However I struggled through it, getting done and feeling like I accomplished something today.

But now I’m beat. Ready to go lay in bed and work.

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