Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Scout Returns

He’s back!

I came up from a short run in the basement and found Delaney walking in from his trip. Still in his pants, boonie hat on his head, he had just returned. I got a few hugs, and could see that he was glad to be home. Asking him about the trip turned up that he had stressed about some things, and was a bit lonely for family. He said he’d go again if I went.

Questioning him more, he had some good times, enjoyed some things, and was proud of earning his canoeing merit badge and getting his 50-mile trip patch for going. He also struggled a little in asking for help, or receiving help from others. Tried to make him understand that it’s a good growth thing, and it’s good for him to learn to rely on others. We’ll see.

Overall I think this was a hard trip, and I hope that Delaney grew from it. Sorry I missed it, and hope that we get to do it together next year.

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