Monday, May 24, 2010

Sore shoulder

I am beat up. The shoulder is sore, and I have ice on it this morning as I work from bed a bit.

I’m not sure what’s wrong, though I know that playing right handed yesterday at baseball didn’t help. It seems that ever since I played a whole game at first base, right handed about a month ago, it’s been sore. I’ve noticed that it aches, no sharp pains, but aches as I lift it above my shoulder at karate. So I try not to do that.

Yesterday I played right handed, giving my left-handed glove to someone that forgot theirs and not sure that third base, left handed, with a first baseman’s mitt, was a good idea. Fortunately I didn’t have to throw many times, and the two times I fielded the ball, I made the throw to second instead.

I think I need some time off (3 weeks without baseball for me) and then a couple weeks of left handed play and some light throwing only as a right handed player.

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