Saturday, May 29, 2010

Manure in my hair, but none in my beer

This has to be a first for me as an achievement. I helped Tia this afternoon with Tina. She felt Tina was ready for someone to sit on her, but Tia was nervous about being up there. This was the horse that tossed her last fall and broke her arm.

So she asked me to hold her while she got up in one stirrup. I didn’t think it would happen as Tina was nervous, and somewhat freaked out by me climbing up on the panels and being taller than her. But we worked through it and eventually I held her while Tia got up on a stirrup and lay her belly across. She even got to put one leg on either side, sitting up there for a few minutes. Then people arrived, and she was done.

So I went running. Windy outside, so a quick one on the treadmill. It was only 4:30, with people coming over at 6:00, so I thought I should do some chores. Windy enough to not spread fertilizer or weed killer, so I attacked the large manure pile by the barn. It’s a nice 8ft in diameter, and we want to spread it to help fertilize the grass as well as prevent flies. Driving the tractor and ATV over there, I’d load the spreader with manure with the tractor and then tow it around the pasture, spreading it out.

As I loaded the spreader the second time, I could see the wind blowing manure all over the place. And I’d left a can of beer on the front of the ATV. When I picked it up, it appeared to be OK, so I finished it off as I drove around the pasture at 4mph. Wind blowing, and despite trying to tow it sideways to the wind, sometimes the wind shifted and I felt manure particles and dirt blowing by me.

I suspect I need a shower now.

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