Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Long Flight

41nTytr5sCL._SL500_AA280_ Kendall and I were talking about the upcoming trip this morning. She’s all excited to fly to Germany (Frankfurt) next Mon before heading to the UK. I reminded her that it will be overnight, and that she might want to make sure everything is completely charged before she leaves. I told her I killed 2 iPods last year when I traveled because of the time.

That reminded of something I’ve been wanting to do, so I surfed over to Amazon this morning, and using my 2 day shipping, which I hope works, I grabbed a Kensington Battery Pack and Charger for iPod for $45. I had wanted to do this last year, but forgot and paid the price. That flight is brutal without the ability to read. I’ll take along a paper book or two, just in case, but I really want to make sure I can get music, or read, while flying if I can’t sleep.

I grabbed this one, rather than an integrated one, since I have a rubber case I like, and I worry that the ones that connect to the iPod might be annoying, or that I can’t put the iPhone in my case if it needs to charge. I suppose I can’t do that here, either, but this one has a USB cable, and someone commented it could recharge a Blackberry as well. So that means that it would help Tia, or any of the iPods the kids have.

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