Monday, March 15, 2010

Book #23 – Born to Run

51aX9X rC5L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_ Another Grippando, this one starring Jack Swytek again in Born to Run. It's later in the series, as Jack is dating and FBI agent and is turning 40. It's a fun read and a continuation of the character, but a little farfetched in places, and a few times it seems that he's behaving out of character.

The book starts out well, drawing you in as the Vice President is in Florida alligator hunting when he has a heart attack. The way it opens it seems that there could be issues with the VP hunting, it could be a murder, perhaps he survives (we don’t know right away). As he falls from the boat he’s in, the book cuts to Jack buying a new Mustang with Theo for Jacks’ 40th.

From there we move to Washington, where Jack’s father is being considered as the new Vice President. As they get ready to begin confirmation hearings, Jack gets an email that suggests someone could help his father ascend to the Presidency. Once again we don’t know what this is. It seems like perhaps there’s an assassination offering from my view, but as the book unfolds we start to realize that there is some sort of blackmail going on.

The book jumps around, and includes lots of characters, the Greek, the mob, the President’s inner circle, the press, Harry, the FBI, and not all of them are working together. It weaves an interesting story that has you suspecting things, but never quite sure what will happen. The ending is similar to other books, with a large, gun-filled climax, but not quite written well. I thought that about The Pardon, and Found Money as well.

Still, it was a fun book to get through and I have to admit that Grippando had me guessing through most of the book as to what was going on.

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