Monday, March 22, 2010

51 Hours

That’s how long it too for my bag to get from my door in Denver to the hotel door in Cambridge. I’m not sure if that’s worse than the fact that it took me 22 hours and I had to get stuck without it in Cambridge for 31 hours.

I have to admit that I was ticked when I arrived back at the hotel at 5:40 and the bag hadn’t been delivered. I was even more upset when I found out that a bag from another airline had been delivered to someone else.  I was worried that there was on delivery service for all airlines. To top it off, I came upstairs to check the hours for a pharmacy for contact solution and found they closed at 6:00!

My night was turning worse and I was in a slightly foul mood. I tried to work a bit, answer some email, but was just annoyed. Finally about 7:30 I got a call from the front desk that my bag was there. Hurrah!

I grabbed it, came upstairs, and changed socks. Nothing else, but I was needing a new set of socks.

Feeling better I went out to dinner, a nice quiet dinner by myself, coming back to work a bit and now it’s time for bed.

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