Thursday, February 11, 2010

Searching for pictures

I have a job today. My wife came up last night and asked me where all our old pictures were from my old machine. Like 2-3 machines ago. I didn’t respond right away, which immediately got me into trouble. She was worried we’d lost things.

I am worried as well. I had a moment of internal panic while I tried to think of where they might be. I used to run weekly backups, so I think I have a lot of pictures on CD, but I need to dig through some places and see what I can find and then get them onto the new server.

I think I know where they are, and need to dig in today.

Keeping old media is a big deal, especially as we move to the new digital technologies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the problem of data corruption in the files of specified format can be fixed by the recover tempdb ms sql server utility