Thursday, February 18, 2010

Book #21 – Found Money

51klvT9lWOL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_[1] Another one from James Grippando, who I’ve been reading since Thanksgiving. This one isn’t a Jack Swytek novel, nor is it even taking place in Florida. Found Money is set in Colorado, between Boulder and Piedmont Springs in the South East.

It’s similar to this other novels in that you have 2 main characters alternating their points of view in various chapters. We have a few from other supporting characters as well, but it’s primarily Dr. Ryan Duffy from Piedmont Springs, whose electrician father has just died, and Amy, whose mother committed suicide when she was a little girl, now struggles to get by as a single mom with her own daughter.

As you might guess, it’s about money. A few millions in unexplained money left to Ryan by his father as a result of blackmail, and $200,000 sent to Amy by Ryan’s father. The money was sent anonymously, but Amy tracks down the source and tries to find out if this money is legitimate.

The story twists and turns, as the people try to untangle their pasts, and find out where the money came from. It’s an enjoyable read, but there are places where the characters don’t seem to make sense. Some irrational acts by both characters that just don’t seem to fit with my impressions, but not so crazy that it’s not fun to read. I actually got to the place where I couldn’t put this down as the action picked up speed near the end.

I don’t know that the way the book ends is great. It seems sudden and lacks a big climax, but I still enjoyed this book.

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