Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wordle Your Blog

One of the things that I see often on blogs are the tag clouds, which show the various tags that you’ve used for your posts. The sizes vary according to how much you have used those tags, so at first glance it’s an interesting way to see what you’re writing about. This blog had a cloud that looked like this as of this writing here:


There are alternatives out there for your basic tag cloud. One very interesting one I’ve seen is Wordle, which shows my cloud like this:


What’s interesting is that Wordle looks through the text from your posts and builds a list based on the text found in your feed.

It’s a little fun, a little silly, but it also lets me know what I’m writing about, and it tends to help me to focus on which topics I might not be seeing listed enough in the blog.

I’d urge you to check out your own blog and see if you’re actually writing about what you think you are.

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