Friday, April 2, 2010

Book #31 – Bad Luck and Trouble

51hL3RzXVNL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_ I’ve read Bad Luck and Trouble 3 times, including last week in London. After Gone Tomorrow, I was excited to read another Reacher novel and this was the only other one on my iPhone. I think the “there dead men walking as of right now. You don’t throw my friends out of a helicopter and live to talk about” quote is one of my favorites. I think this is my favorite Reacher novel. This or The Enemy.
In any case, it opens with part of Reacher’s old squad being killed. His math ability comes in to play throughout this book as he tracks down Neagley in LA where she’s investigating the loss of one of their teammates. As they try to figure out what happens, I found myself wondering why they get so focused in one area. Then again, I’ve read the book.
Eventually 2 other former colleagues show up, and they begin investigating the loss of 4 colleagues, wondering how they could have been killed and have their skills deteriorated that much. The end is exciting, with Reacher taking a big chance, but it’s a heck of a read. I’d recommend this one first of all the novels in this series.

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