Friday, April 2, 2010

Book #29 – Last Call

51XgtRh2-NL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_ This year I have a Grippando kick going and Last Call is another one. Jack Swyteck is back, this time embroiled in another adventure with Theo. I enjoyed this one, learning more about Theo than Jack in it, as it goes back to Theo’s past and times before he was arrested and sent to death row.

The book opens with a scene from Theo’s early life, where his mother is killed. We then jump forward to one of his former gang buddies that escapes from prison and comes to Theo for help. Theo doesn’t want to help, but ends up inadvertently helping a little and struggling with his feelings.

At some point the escapee is killed, but the evidence points to Theo as the possible suspect. Jack manages to divert things, but Theo goes undercover in prison to try and find out what happened. It’s an exciting read, and we see a lot of Theo’s feelings, and also more interaction with Uncle Cy. It’s also the birth book of the jazz club, so it’s a part of the series you don’t want to miss.

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