Saturday, December 31, 2011

Book #59 - Stirred

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I’ve read all the Jack Daniel’s mysteries from Konrath, but none of the Blake novels. As a result the inside jokes about the past with Phin, Harry, Herb, and Jack made sense. Those characters felt fuller and more alive. However the Kite and Andrew characters from Crouch were a little flat to me.

This is the conclusion, and Jack is pregnant, 8 months along with Pre-eclampsia. She doesn’t want to slow down as people are being murdered around the city and they suspect Kite, who was after her.

The entire book turns out to be a plan of Kite’s to make Jack suffer as she’s led from scene to scene, eventually ending up in a deserted town that Kite bought most of and has trapper many people in with various torture adventures. You can almost guess what happens, but it’s not a twisted novel. It’s more of a satire, with lots of jokes and silliness from the Konrath side of the book.

A great finish, fun to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Read the other novels first, but this is a nice end.

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