Thursday, January 6, 2011


There was a time when I was in high school that my step-dad found an old step-side pickup at an estate auction. It was about 20 years old then, but had been garaged and had like 30k miles on it. He didn’t get it, and I didn’t push, and have thought about that many times. I’ve never owned a pickup, but that old stepside appealed to me for some reason.

I have driven past this truck 3 or 4 times this week, and finally today I pointed it out to Kendall.


She told me it was “bad” because it was old. It is old, a Ford 100 stepside from the 70s. On my way back from school, I finally stopped and went to read about it. The sheet says it starts, some new parts, 3speed on the floor, and runs well. No title, but paperwork to request a new one. The only downside to me is that it is a 2WD truck, and rear wheel drive, so not a great snow truck.

However at $1300 OBO, and I bet I could get it for $800 or less, it intrigues me. I certainly don’t need it, but having a closed in ranch vehicle would be nice. We could move hay, do some chores, carry tools, etc. around. At the very least, getting trash out would be nice.

I sent a note to Tia to see what she thought. I was considering this as something we could even give to Delaney at some point, but the 2WD bugs me a bit.

This is probably one to let go, but I like the idea of getting a cheap, sub-$1000 work vehicle that could be used on the ranch, and also perhaps go to Delaney at some point. After all, I am a car guy.

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