Monday, January 31, 2011

Gotta Love Colorado

It was 69F at the Ranch. It was 24F in Copper when Kyle and I went, but beautiful weather. Sunny, no wind, and we added our snow pants and coats next to the car in t-shirts, feeling fine. When we left Copper around 2:30, people were walking back to their cars in t-shirts and long sleeves, carrying their coats.

Yesterday is was 50F early in the day, and I was doing some woodworking with the garage doors open and standing out front in a t-shirt. It started to cool quickly, and by 1, I was wearing a sweatshirt.

Today it was about 22F when I took the kids, and there's a mist that's freezing on the windshield as I drive. Struggled to keep the windshield clear on the drive to school. Now it's 12F and dropping, supposedly going to be negative tonight. The coldest day of the year.

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