Thursday, May 21, 2015

2015 Book #34 - The Blue Labyrinth

blueI have always enjoyed the Pedergast series of books from Preston and Child. Blue Labyrinth is book #14, though I think I missed one somewhere. I'll have to go look and catch up.

In this book, a body is left on Pendergast's doorstep. It's actually his son, the one from Brazil, and he's dead. Pendergast pursues a car but loses it. As you might suspect, he investigates, trying to determine who was responsible. At the same time, the NYPD thinks he might be involved and we have another overzealous detective looking at Pendergast.

We also have the return of Margo Green, dragged into the story by Pendergast, and struggling with her demons from the Relic time period of the museum. She assists, but we know this is hard.

The book devotes a lot of time to Constance Green, who takes over the investigation when Pendergast is a bit incapacitated. We learn more about her character, which perhaps is more ruthless than Pendergast.

All in all an exciting book, with references to previous books that made it hard to read at times I've read most, but I think I've missed one or two. However this did get me excited to go back and re-read some of the others.

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