Friday, March 6, 2009


I knew that I’d tweaked my elbow a bit last night, but I had no idea how bad. This morning I get up and it hurts when I do anything. Not swollen, or tender to the touch, but any use of my arm extended, like even pushing open the car door, sends some pain through the elbow.

Kendall had her field trip today and Tia was a chaperone. She’d forgotten to get a lunch, and I knew Kendall would be upset with a sandwich, and she’d give Tia a hard time, so I left at 6:10, drove to Wal-Mart, grabbed a couple lunchables and bars and came back. I went to get out of the car at Wal-Mart, and extending my arm and pushing with the hand, brought pain.

So luckily I can adjust my chair and rest the elbow on it so that it’s not moving when I type. I don’t know if it’s bad, and don’t think so, but likely I need to sit out a few days and rest.

The hamstring was much better today, but still sore. However I wanted to get the run done before lunch, so I went and jogged through just over a mile. The first real test of injury on the streak and I made it through fine.

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