Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Kendall hasn't really worried about it, and a few times we've mentioned it, she's cringed a bit. However Friday or Saturday, for some reason, she wanted to get her ears pierced. She was upset we didn't go Sat, forgot Sun, and then got upset, so we told her it would happen soon.

Last night, while I took Delaney to Scouts, Tia took Kyle to get his eyes checked (he needs new glasses) and Kendall to get her ears pierced. I wasn't sure how it would go, and she was asleep when I got home, but she showed me this morning and I got some pictures.


You can kind of see them here, plain gold balls for now. A close-up as well


I'm sure the calls for new earrings every time we go to the store will begin shortly.

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