Saturday, November 24, 2012

Book #83 - The Phoenix Rising

51czhYe qpL._AA160_The second book of The Phoenix Conspiracy series, I started The Phoenix Rising as soon as I finished the last one. A word of warning: this one ends with a bit of a cliffhanger as well and the next book wasn’t out when I finished it (sad face).

In this book we find Calvin and his crew guests of the Harbringer, the stolen battleship. Calvin agrees to help the rebels when he’s shown evidence of a problem in the empire. Duplicates of people that look exactly the originals and are being used to replace key people. Add to that Calvin’s discovery of the new weapon that can potentially destroy stars (and their solar systems) and Summers joins him in his pursuit of the new weapon.

It’s an interesting adventure as Calvin must manage a mixed crew of humans and Polarians, as well as confront his family and the Remorii, including the strigoi. It’s a wild ride, but you really need to read the other book first to grasp what’s going on.

Not great writing, but not bad. Lots of introspection into Calvin and the difficulties of not knowing who to trust or even having the maturity to command well, it’s still a good read.

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