Friday, November 2, 2012

Book #79 - Exposed

51fyCa6EkDL._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160_Another in the Chandler series, Exposed is really a novella, shorter, but good. In it we have Chandler on assignment. This is before Flee, and she’s pretending to be a novel, intent on rescuing a girl from a model shoot where Chandler has been told this is a front for a slavery ring. She’s told to bring the girl out "without” hurting her at all.

Her contact is a ex-military, posing a a driver. Chandler gets in, finds something suspicious with the men running the shoot, and just manages to catch the landing gear of a helicopter before it takes the girl away. She manages to get the girl down, and gets into the car with her contact. They get away, but as Chandler leaves, she realizes something is wrong and finds out the contact isn’t who he said he is.

Chandler rescues the girl, but there’s an amazing twist I never saw coming. It’s exciting, and a fun, albeit short, read.

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