Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Book #77 - Friend Request

A short book, so maybe a 1/2 book for reading, but one with good reviews, so I grabbed Friend Request. It's the future, not too far from now and social networking and "friends" are ubiquitous. Friend requests are sent automatically by our smart phone agents when we have matching possibilities. Nick is having an anniversary party, but he's upset. Earlier he received a friend request from another man, no name, but "in a relationship" with Nick's wife.

The story really follows Nick through the party, as he tries to come to grips with what happened, especially as he knows his wife is keeping secrets. He's an admin of an ISP that manages people's profiles, and uses his skills to find out more.

When everyone's privacy settings seem to disappear and they learn shocking things about each other, all hell breaks loose.

Short, but a somewhat scary look at a possible digital future.

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