Thursday, October 11, 2012

Book #72 - Dreadnaught

51qPqKjXBQL._AA115_I got Dreadnaught for my son and he enjoyed it. So I grabbed it for a recent trip to see what was happening with the Alliance after the Syndics were defeated.

This book starts shortly after the end of the Lost Fleet series. Black Jack and his bride are on their way back to the fleet, having been married quickly while they were both captains. Jack is promoted to Admiral again and there’s concern over what the government plans as well as possible rebellion from the fleet.

Soon enough the book goes into the journey back to the alien lands, the concern over the alien capabilities and intentions, as well as some Syndic interactions. There are also the issues with Rionne back on the flagship, Dauntless. It’s an interesting journey, and ends with a cliff hanger. I can’t wait for the next book to be released at a reasonable price.

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