Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Book #71 - Accelerated

51gPWY2OUlL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-62,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_I’ve really enjoyed Heppner’s “Doom Star” series, and grabbed Accelerated on a whim as I was heading out of town.

It’s an interesting novel, told in the first person (for the most part), by the survivor of a particle accelerator experiment gone wrong. We pick up this “mutant” on the run from the “Shop”, which seems like some top secret organization associated with the government, but based in Italy.

As the story unfolds, Gavin found by a former Shop employee, and not sure if can trust her, and also pursued, he believes, by the Shop, we slowly get some background on him and what happened. It comes in fits and spurts, which is slightly annoying as it felt like I was lost for much of the book. I’d have rather a few sections early on that explained what had happened.

The book is basically Gavin investigating the murder of the girl that found him and learning there are multiple groups that could have done it. Along the way we learn just a touch about his powers, and those of the others.

I didn’t love this, and the action was tempered by a feeling of confusion and loss at not having more of a back story. I need to check and see if this is part of a series.

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