Monday, January 18, 2010


We’re packed, or at least I am. The kids are asleep, the nanny’s here, and shortly Tia and I are heading to the airport for our long journey to the Caribbean.

It’s a little nerve wracking leaving the kids, but Kyle is here, and Tia’s sister said she’d come over every day, so things should be fine. It’s a quiet week, the weather forecast is good, and I think we’ve prepped things nicely.

It’s exciting for us, a honeymoon and trip away, something we’ve rarely had. In 15 years, we’ve basically had 3 where we’ve left kids, and none since we’ve had Kendall and Delaney. This is long overdue, and I’m looking forward to doing more of these if it works out.

It’s exciting to think about getting to the beach and relaxing there with no one to manage and very little on my schedule. I like the beach, and I can’t wait to hit the hotel, run, and then order a few cocktails.

A long journey ahead of us first. We have 1 am red-eye to Charlotte, and then we fly to St Martin early tomorrow morning. It’s going to very early in the morning Denver time when we arrive, but I’m sure we’ll feel great a couple hours later.

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