Monday, January 11, 2010

Darkly Dreaming Dexter – Book #7

51sIhab6uIL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_[1] I was never that into Dexter on Showtime, despite many people saying it was a great series. It seemed a little dark, and strange to me. Then last year I was alone at night, Tia out of town, and bored, and it came on after something else I’d watched. It was a re-run of the first episode and I decided to give it a few minutes. It was strange, but then there was a scene early on with Masouka and Angel making a joke that actually had me laughing out loud.

After that I watched the first season on DVD and enjoyed it, though I haven’t gotten back to it. So when I was searching for something recently to read on vacation and this book popped up, I decided to try it.

This is the first book in the series and it covers about all of Season one of the show. Dexter trying to fit into life in Miami as a blood spatter expert even though he’s a serial killer. The book has lots of introspective parts, where Dexter talks to himself, trying to decide how to act and how to deal with his life. It deviates from the show, which I think is better. The writers on the show do a great job of drawing out the story and injecting some humor, but Jeff Lindsay does a good job and I actually was interested enough to start the next book.

If you like the show, you might like this. If not, this is pretty good. The writing is OK, and sometimes Dexter gets too wound up in his own mind at times, but it’s a great premise.

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