Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Last Day

A good start to the last day. I woke up feeling fairly refreshed at 6:30 and dressed, heading out for a run with a friend. An easy 2 mi around downtown Charlotte, and on the way back we passed the Charlotte Aquatic Center. I was tired, and thought about calling it a day, but managed to pack myself up and head over for a swim.

I was slow, so I'm tired. I timed a 200m set in the middle at 4:15, which is at least :15 slow. I pushed on the next one and got to 4:00.

However I felt refreshed and ready for the day. Now time to check out and go see some friends before I head home tonight.

It's been a good trip, but a long one. 8 days on the road is a long time, and I'm worn out, feeling slightly short tempered and cranky. I need to take some time off, and it's on my schedule this week to plan out some time off.

Last night was our annual networking dinner. My business partner and I have done this 3 or 4 years now. We pick a restaurant, invite people to come hang out. Everyone buys their own food and drink, and they get the chance to meet other people. We chose Buffalo Wild Wings near the NASCAR Hall of Fame and I stood out front greeting lots of first time conference attendees, shaking lots of hands and meeting people.

It was a great turnout. I think we had over 200 people come, packing the restaurant and everyone seeming to have a good time. I even remembered a few names, Errol from Charlotte, Derik Hammer, and Doug. I saw a guy I'd met in San Diego a few weeks back and many former friends. Despite being tired and hungry after a long day at the Red Gate SQL in the City event, I had a good time.

I hate a quieter, late dinner at 9:30 with a 3 friends before calling it a day and coming back to watch then end of the football game.

Between a little time to myself today and a quiet day on Sunday, I've survived.

Sunday I got up, exercised, and then made it to the airport for a flight to Charlotte. I arrived and drove out to a mall, got a new bag, and sat at a sports bar, watching the Bronco's game, having a beer, and unwinding. I had work to do at night, but that 3 hours off was nice.

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