Monday, May 21, 2012

Book #28 - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

5120IbPRJlL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_I went to buy The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest at a store and they were out of them. Since I have the others in paper, I wanted this one in paper as well. Every time I went to get groceries or were near a bookstore I checked and within a week I had a copy.

I dove in, anxiously, having read the first chapter at the end of the previous book. This one starts where the last one ends, with Lisbeth coming into the hospital after being shot multiple times. They work on her and she slowly starts to recover. Zalachecko is in the room down the hall from her, recovering as well.

Meanwhile Blomkvist is arrested back at the farmhouse. If you’re lost at this point, stop, put down the book, and buy the Girl Who Played with Fire.

The book mostly deal’s with Lisbeth’s impending trial and the investigation. This book is almost a continuation of the previous book, though more and more people are under the impression that Lisbeth is innocent. Much of this book deals with the uncovering of the whole story, one that affects a secret division within the Swedish police that investigated and allowed Zalachecko to live in Sweden.

It’s long, tedious in places, but also exciting. Blomkvist and Lisbeth have almost no contact, but it’s a fascinating story that has an exciting trial conclusion. I couldn’t put this down, and raced through the 600 pages in 2-3 days. A great conclusion.

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