Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Book #19 - Gideon’s Sword

51M8 lTfxbL._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA115_I have loved the Douglas Preston/Lincolk Child series on Pendergast, starting with the Relic years ago. I looked forward to many of their new books and pre-ordered the last few in advance of the release. When I saw Gideon’s Sword, I was tempted, but decided to wait since it was a new character, and there was no discount for the e-book. Recently I had a gift certificate and decided to grab this paperback at a reasonable price.

The book is interesting, with a young child witnessing the killing of his father, an NSA employee that took a hostage over a dispute. We jump forward to him as a young man, one that has grown up, become successful, with the hint of some criminal activity, but overall a successful man working as a researcher as Los Alamos. He hasn’t forgotten, however, that his father was set up and continues to search for evidence.

He finds it, and then uses it to set up and kill the man responsible for his father’s death. However that’s just the beginning of the book. We have EES, with Eli Glinn back, hiring Gideon Crew, the young man, to try and recover some technology from a Chinese defector. As with some of Eli’s other schemes, this sounds crazy, but it works. Gideon is on a wild ride through New York and then into China as he tries to determine what the technology is, even though everyone suspects a weapon.

It’s an action packed book, one I really enjoyed and highly recommend. I’m looking forward to the next one.

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