Saturday, June 13, 2015

Air Force Camp

Kendall finished up her week long All-skills volleyball camp yesterday. She had gone last year and enjoyed it, so we signed her up again. Tia and I headed up on Friday morning to watch the last session where the girls play scrimmages.
Kendall was on a team with mostly high school girls. A couple freshmen, but everyone was older than her. She looked lackluster and slow, and really, really tired. She'd called us every night this week, and told us constantly how tired she was.

She played well, however, at times. She didn't get a lot of sets, but was up and down and had a great block that I happened to catch above.

Her defense was great, and we saw her diving for balls and moving well,

Some nice serves as well. She's come a long way with her jump server and while it's not overpowering, it's hard and it dives nicely. She drops it between the front and back rows regularly, and scores some nice points.

We didn't see a lot of chances for her to hit. She moved from right side hitter to left, and did well. Part of this was my slow camera work with the iPhone, but I got a few.

Camp ended at noon with an exhausted girl. We gathered her up and took her to lunch, giving her a break as she was due to start the hitting camp Fri night, going through the weekend.

We had a nice break, which I think Kendall needed. We were happy to give her support, though it meant I didn't get to work much and I'm on the computer on a Saturday trying to catch up.

We decided to see how the evening went. Kendall napped in the truck while Tia and I had a little walk before signing her in for the weekend and watching for a couple hours last night.

The girls warmed up and then were split into different positions. Kendall was with the hitters, and they started drills. The coaches warned them this wasn't like other camps. They were going to move hard and fast, and they needed to rest between sessions, not take other practice.

I think they were right. The girls were split into roughly three groups and they'd run through a drill on one court as outsides, then switch after a few minutes to middles, then to right sides. They had the chance to shag balls while half the group hit, which was good. When they were hitting, there was little downtime.

We could see many of the girls getting tired, but Kendall was all into the work. She volunteered to help demonstrate every drill, and had way more energy and excitement. Tia and I think the time we spent with her really helped.

It was harder to take pictures, but it was exciting. When they got to clicks, Kendall looked good and when they finished up with a little scrimmage, she got a great block and was excited. Neat to see her with so much enthusiasm. She high fived teammates and gave an audible, "yeah".

Now she has three sessions today , and one tomorrow before Kyle picks her up. I'm sure she'll be exhausted. We considered an open gym tomorrow night to help her start tryouts for next year's clubs, but I think we'll hold off a week.

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