Monday, October 13, 2014

Book #43 - Continuous Delivery

cdI picked this book up over the summer for work and loved it. I got going and it was an easy read. Then I got busy, and the book repeated lots of the same things over and over, so I dropped it. I had to force myself to pick it back up and work through it.

Don't get me wrong. It's a good book, with lots of good information, but the writing and style were hard on me. Chapters dragged on, which I do struggle with.

Continuous Delivery is about the process of getting your software always ready to release and using automation to ensure the changes you make are always being tested and moved through various test and validation phases. It's a great concept, and I believe in it.

This is the book for a great, though long, overview on the parts of getting CD working, though I have to say the database portion was entirely too light for me. I also wish more war stories with specifics on how to make changes and implement things would have made this better.

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