Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lunch with D

After interviews this morning, I tried to text Delaney to see if he wanted a sandwich. We ran long and I was starving. I didn’t hear from him, but I decided to just get a foot long sub and chips and headed home. I called him from the foyer, and he was up, so I asked if he wanted half a sandwich. He did, but there was a catch.

He had to eat with me.

He was OK, so instead of trying to cut some wood, we sat on the front porch, watching dogs walk around in the heat and chatted about school, the interviews I had, life, books, and more. It was a good talk, and at one point, he asked me when I had to leave and how long we could sit and chat.

It was a great break from life, and I’m glad I did it. Need to do it more.

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