Sunday, July 24, 2011

Book #33 - Running with the Bulls

51XWygyEVmL._SL500_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-47,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_I grabbed Fifth Avenue after it reminded me of the Stephen Frey financial series from a few years ago. It wasn’t quite the same, more of a thriller mystery than financial book, but I enjoyed it, so I picked up Running of the Bulls, the second story in this series.

The only character that I can find from the first series is the assassin, Vincent Spocatti. He appears right away, killing a few characters that presumably testified against a wealthy trader for insider information fraud.

The book has a similar style to the first one, keeping the reader unsure of what is going on by not providing much information, using lots of characters, and trying to get the reader to think one person is guilty when it’s really another.

The writing is simple, and not great at developing characters. A few of the situations feel contrived as well, pushing the bounds of what one might think would happen in real life. It’s also gruesome in places, with plenty of people being killed and some graphic descriptions.

Over all I thought it was a good read for $3, but I would have been disappointed if I’d spent $10.

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