Sunday, May 29, 2011


Nothing scheduled or planned, but another busy day and I am tired.

We started by moving Kendall's bed and a few things to her new room. A nice easy start to the day after sleeping in a bit. Kendall got tired, so we called it quits after an hour or so, with not too much moved, but enough. Tia went to ride with a friend, so I wanted to do chores.

First it was a run for day 990. Exciting to be getting close to 4 digits. Then it was putting on the second running board on Tia's truck with a little help from Delaney. He  remembered that I'd done the first one myself and said I didn't need help, but I pressed him into service. We got that on, Tia left, and Delaney disappeared.

I wasn't sure what to do, but I decided to start with the gutters. One of them had been leaking a ton of water the last time it rained, so I took down the bend and discovered a nice block and a racketball in there. Those were cleaned out and I'm sure that will work the next time it rains. Then it was cleaning car time. I started inside the Prius, vacuuming it out, and then armor all'ing all the surfaces. Kendall came out as I was about half done and helped me finish, then it was washing the outsides of that and the Surburban. I think Kendall got me as wet as the cars, but we got them clean.

I was ambitious, so it was cleaning the windows and rain-x'ing them all on both cars. That was hard on the shoulders, but I've been wanting to get it done. Since it was cooling off, I also decided to try a wax experiment. I did the front of the Surburban and the front driver's side of the Prius, just to see how it looks. I think it makes a difference, but we'll see.

finally we were waiting for Tia, so Delaney and I did a little weight lifting. Good exercise for us.

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