Monday, May 18, 2009

Preakness Complaints

I was listening to the radio this morning and they mentioned complaints at the Preakness because people were no longer allowed to bring their own beer (or other beverages). The host was saying it was silly for the complaints, and I tend to agree. Beer prices were lowered, $3.50 a cup, which is better than most sporting events I attend, but more than the $0.50 or so you might pay at a grocer.

However this is a public event, and I think it's a good idea. No one, or at least few people, should have the need to drink 5, 6 or more beers at the horse race. I have friends that go through that many, and it's rarely a good thing. And those beers would be $30-40, which isn't a bad cost. Granted, I make a good living and wouldn't be bothered by that.

However when I was in college, or starting work, and that was a significant amount of money, I didn't have the same judgement. I probably shouldn't have been allowed to drink more. I did at one horse race in Charlottesville, and it was a bad idea.

People driving afterwards, misbehaving, it's just not a good idea. Complaints from a 35 year old? Grow up.

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