Thursday, May 14, 2009

2 Cans to 1

I was going to take out the trash today after the kids went to school. It's my normal Thur routine, though if we only have 1 or 2 cans, I'll drop them off while we drive away. Today we had 2 cans, but the dogs had emptied one in the garage when we walked outside. So I cleaned up a little, ran kids to school and came back.

After using the dustpan and getting the trash back into the can, I realized I really had about 1.5 cans. One (now full of pieces of trash) was mostly full and the other was about 1/2 full of misc trash. I loaded both in the back of the Prius (hatch open) and started off.

One problem? The wind is crazy today. It's howling, at least 30mph, and it's already ripped one screen off the house nicely. One of the windiest days I've seen and not much fun. I got about 10 ft down the driveway and the 1/2 can fell out.

By the time I'd stopped, which was immediately, and walked back, the can was empty. The wind had blown everything away and as I looked to the northwest, I could see some pieces of paper and trash flying away.

So I put that back in the garage and headed out at 10mph. Dust, wind blowing around, I actually had to open my driver's window a bit to clear the swirling dust from the car. I put the can next to the fence, and before I could turn around, it had tipped over. I ran over, gathered up some trash, some had blown away, and then tried to set it in a different place.

Repeat 3 times.

Eventually I got it

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