Friday, August 15, 2014

Book #35–Dove Season

51S3jPU1QfL._SL250_Tia recommended this for me, so I started reading Dove Season. It’s meandering, a slow book where Jimmy comes home to the Central Valley in Southern California, a desert farming community. He tried to get out, but his father is sick, so he returns.

Jimmy has grown up, gone through college, though he’s mostly been working menial jobs. However spending a little time with his father makes him come back to reality. He enjoys the time, but he struggles with his lack of growth. His father dies, but before he does, he asks for a prostitute to come to visit him.

It’s an adventure as Jimmy must deal with his friends that never left and remained farmers, the changes in the area, the prostitute and the knowledge he gains and more.

It moves to be a bit of a thriller as we go on, but it’s mostly the story of a kid growing up a bit. I enjoyed it.

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