Thursday, August 28, 2014

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Ride

I was thinking that I'd go a little early to Kendall's practice and take my bike. I've been working hard on the stationary bike, and out a few times on the mountain bike, but not the road bike. I pumped up a tire, ordered a few spares, and had it ready to go today.

I actually loaded it onto the truck and then put on bike shorts and my Red Gate jersey.

Photo Aug 28, 4 39 49 PM

I worked into the afternoon and when I went outside to throw an extra shirt in the truck, it was an ugly sky. Dark clouds moving East and a few droplets of rain. Windy and cold, and likely an ugly ride. When Tia texted a few minutes later asking if she should get the kids, I agreed she should and went inside.

To ride the stationary bike Sad smile


Maybe tomorrow.

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