Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Book #5 - David and Goliath

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The book opens with the idea of underdogs, and uses the famous story that is the title. As we think this is an underdog story, Gladwell shows us it isn't. We shouldn't have doubted David would win. For a variety of reasons, and I found them fascinating.

From there he goes into a few other areas. One, with schools, and the idea that smaller is not better, or that better schools are not better for everyone. Logical, and makes sense.

He also goes into London's bombing in WWII, the Civil Rights movement, and the Three Strikes law in California. Gladwell leads us along, and as you might expect, the introductions to each section prove to not be true. However, as with the other books, these stories make sense for small groups of people or situations. We certainly wouldn't take them as truisms for everyone, but we should stop and think a bit.

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