Monday, February 24, 2014

A Quiet Sunday

A quiet day for me overall. Up early, feeding horses and then a walk with Uma. That was a good way to start the day, quiet, with just some music playing in my ears.

Photo Feb 23, 9 32 43 AM

Then I relaxed a bit, watching the cross country skiing marathon, or part of it, on TV. It made me want to get up to the mountains and participate. I'd like to learn to skate, and work hard, though I need to wait until the knee gets fixed. On my agenda for next year for sure. Perhaps even on those half days where the kids don't want to ski.

After I got motivated, I changed windshield wipers, burned out lights on the car and removed ski stuff. Then when I sent Delaney to clean up some dog droppings in the back, I managed to break out my ski rack and put the second coat of finish on it. In the warming son, it soon dried, and at the end of the day, after Kendall and I fed horses, I was able to put the ski stuff on it.

Photo Feb 24, 8 29 40 AM

Then it was a shopping trip with Delaney, a little Dad/Delaney time as we shopped and gathered provisions. Then I cooked and had Kendall sing along with me and the iPod before we called it a night.

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