Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Back Home

A long day for both Kendall and I yesterday. The tournament ended for us at 12:30, but too late for me to get the 1:00 back to Denver. I tried standing by on the 5:15, but it was oversold, so I ended up sitting in the airport from about 1:30 until boarding around 7:30 for the flight home. I worked a touch, read, and watched some of the Amazon Pilots they're considering producing. I saw 4 and they were all good.

However it was a long day, landing after 9, grabbing food and driving home. I checked with the bus when I landed and was told they were aiming for 12:30. Ugh.

I got home, saw Delaney and the dogs, and then got an hour of sleep before getting up to head back. The last thing I wanted was parents or coaches waiting around for me to arrive. I got to the parking lot around 12:40, having been told they were closer to 1, but it ended up being around 1:20 that they arrived. I fell asleep in the car, waking up to the bus pulling up in front of me.

Kendall was beat and I got her home, Her bed wasn't made (I washed the sheets before I left) and so she tumbled into bed with Uma and me for a short night's sleep. At 6:40, I decided to let her sleep as she needs the rest and I don't want her exhausted for the week.

A fun trip, we're both glad we went, but we are tired.

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