Sunday, May 26, 2013

Book #27–The Love You Crave

41D8CCLn6pL._SX105_This book continues on with where the last story left off. The Love You Crave has Donovan Creed still in Vegas, having bought the surgery center and planning to reopen it. This is really a second part of Vegas Moon, with Gwen set as the new board member, which none of the others approve of, including one who is mob connected. However Donovan intimidates them.

Meanwhile Gwen has left Donovan and moved on to live with Callie, who is single again. Their relationship somewhat comes between Creed and Callie, especially when Gwen wants Donovan killed.

We still have the doomsday chip, and Creed’s boss, along with twists and turns. Worth the read, especially with the opening when a women’s head explodes and Creed has a new assignment.

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