Sunday, September 16, 2012

Late Morning

With Tia out of town, I decided to go out last night. A friend sent an email Fri night that his band was playing in Aurora close to the house. After volleyball, I worked outside a bit, setting the last two posts in the ground for the shed and asked the kids if they wanted to go out. Both declined, and wanted to watch a movie, so I showered and went out by myself.

It was a nice quiet dinner for me at this wine bar. A salad, some cheese and fruit, and some good wine. I watched the band a bit, chatted with a few people, and at 10:30 called it a night. I must have been tired because I didn't get up until 9am. Out feeding horses was a chore, and I finally got back in at 10:30 for some coffee and breakfast.

Still tired, I watched a little football while starting on chores by fixing Kendall's screen. Then it was out to work on the shelter, getting the main braces up and the poles cut to size. I realized that I needed a few bolts to add anchor strength to the braces and when I sliced the knuckle of a finger open, I called it a morning and came back inside. Still 5 of the 6 braces are up and I can start doing cross braces once I get the bolts in. From there it should go fairly quickly to get things finished, though it will take some time to add the metal on and get it ordered.

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