Thursday, September 13, 2012

Book #68 - The Black List

41FjWkCin5L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_I read a number of the Brad Thor/Scott Harvath books a few years back, but dropped out of the series. This one is much later than the last one I read, but The Black List grabbed my attention right away. It’s a technology thrilled, where total surveillance by a government agency has gotten out of hand and they’re tracking Harvath and his boss to try and terminate them. The Black List is a reference to the list of people the government has sanctioned to be killed.

It’s an action packed book, with Harvath surviving an attempted assassination at the very beginning and more as the book proceeds. The writing is easy to read and fast paced, running through a relatively short time as we jump from Harvath, his boss, and Nicholas, the diminuative troll from previous books.

I enjoyed this over a few nice fall afternoons while waiting for kids. I’ll have to go pick up the other books in the series at some point.

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